Writing 101:Update your readers over a cup of coffee



photo taken by me using film.

If we were having coffee right now, it would be in a public place because I don’t know how to make coffee and I don’t drink it.  I would be there a few minutes early to get a table for us and order a cup of tea or water, plus maybe cheese cake or something chocolate. Awhile I wait for you to arrive my ears would be on surveillance, listening to the girls/guys conversation behind me about their boy/girlfriend and how one caught them sleeping with another person. OR whatever else people will talk about in public.

If we were having coffee right now, I would be telling you about both my blog, staying the course and my photography blog. In addition to that to tell you about writing 101 and maybe share a few of my popular post.

If we were having coffee right now, I would for sure have my camera on the table and take a picture of you.  You will probably ask me “let me see it”, but you can’t because I shoot film.  You got to wait. I would also show you a few of photos from my photo blog.

If we were having coffee right now, of course it wouldn’t be all about me.  Am a good listener and will listen to whatever you have to say.  Positive or negative. I’ll be your shrink for the day, free of charge.

If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you about some of the new hobbies/interest I have started. One, I start to read, I starting to draw, and how I have interested in astronomy and there going to be a Lunar eclipse and a super moon on the same day on September 27-28,2015. Click on the link, Lunar Eclipse to see if it will be visible where you are at.